sunnuntai 25. syyskuuta 2011

Contact - Between faith and rationality

Contact is a sci-fi/thriller/drama film with a twist of romance. The director, Robert Zemeckis, is probably most famous for making the Back to the Future trilogy and the moronic Forrest Gump. His 1997 movie Contact was his first release after the acclaimed Forrest Gump. The reason I bought this DVD is the script, which is based on a novel by one of my childhood heroes, the late Carl Sagan (probably most known to the internet generation through this video). Sagan -- an astronomer and a notable popularizer of science -- was not a militant atheist à la Dawkins. This film is a reflection of Sagan's conciliatory stance. 

Contact tells the story of Dr. Eleanor Arroway (Jodie Foster), a gifted scientist who devotes her life for the search of E.T. through the SETI-project, instead of trying to make it big in the world of science. One day Eleanor captures a transmission from the star Vega consisting of prime numbers. Hidden in this message are also the blue prints of a device of some sort. Later in the film, when Eleanor gets to speak to all the world leaders, she meets an old one-night stand, the president's spiritual advisor (or something), reverend Palmer Joss (Matthew McConaghey). That's all I can reveal of the plot without spoiling the film. 

The major themes of the film are -- at least in my opinon -- science versus religion, faith versus facts; and how these opposites in fact overlap eachother. These questions are reflected upon through the relationship of Eleanor and Palmer. There's a lot more things happening in the film, but this dimension is by far the most interesting thing in Contact.

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