torstai 27. lokakuuta 2011

The Walking Dead, Season 2 – Finally here!

Frank Darabont's zombie apocalypse series The Walking Dead is back with new episodes. The last two episodes of the new season have not been disappointing. The series represents a more mature take on the zombie genre. It mixes horror and suspense with drama. The balance between the three is spot on! Good acting and (some) interesting characters. This series has to be one of the best things on TV at the moment. Seriously, if you haven't seen the first season, you should be ashamed.

I'd also like to recommend some of Frank Darabont's films, such as Shawshank Redepmtion, which everybody know and loves. Shame on you if you haven't seen it. Mist is a very good, old-fashioned monster/sci-fi thriller. Some of my friends called it cheap, but they didn't get it, that's the thing that makes the film so charming in this age of CGI-extravaganza.

Check out the trailer: 


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